I don't want trouble from him here. If it takes for his mother to be rude to me, then no. I don't want to see him upset here. I don't want him to come upset here.

However, it's not my decision. There will be no kick out and then rebring someone else. It's not no, we kick you out, then our son comes here. It's not going to be like that.

Either I'll move, I'll find a place before then, Lord Willing, or I stay until it's time to go. However, no other person is going to kick me out, or get with the neighborhood on a game to do that.

I'll come back to this.

The main and only reason, is because he nutted up in this Church. We don't need that. If someone off the street did that, you'd not allow that person back in. What the difference here is, it's your son.

We don't want to let people in here to STAY if they can't even visit right.

If they can fix that, then I think maybe The Lord Will Answer. All the underhanded sh*t that's been done, it's pathetic. I am almost ashamed for them. These so called Christians, acting like mutts. They need to regroom themselves, like my pants need to be ironed - real bad.

So, I respect this church to be here. He should too.

Why does any man feel that way? Cannot I and him make a league?

It says on the bible that a league was made with dirty people, and The Lord Said Yes. Then, the dirty people were found to be liars, and were put to tribute.

They lied to get company. So they were even mentioned. They respected the company.

So if dirty liars can respect, so can you.

All is forgiven. I still want peace. Love, mercy and honor dwelleth here. Let no man or mystery come between those ideals!

Brenda in space. I'm telling you. Galaxies of love.