Goals for flurries

  1. 30 seconds
  2. 2 minutes
  3. 5 minutes
  4. 10 minutes
  5. 15 minutes

The rest of the conversation

George Floyd is the amalgam of all the incidents in the last 10 years.

I find it hard to believe that an undiciplined new members of life are the smart thinkers in this. They are riding a wave of confusion and disinterest, sparked by the previous generation, as a token of revenge.

For being ushered out so quickly due to technology, the established old guard decided to try and uproot the newly planted garden, by charging all fronts with dilution.

Consider all the places that have been hit. All the farming, the healthcare. The people having to watch countless die and over again. Having to separate from families. This is nothing but a temper tantrum from the previous folks. They wanted the chaos, to be able to say "Yes, you need us."

It's not enough to have a man die. It's got to be what we see all over. I said it would spread, because it was designed to. It's not me not knowing. It's The Lord Protecting Fool Julius.

I don't understand why people don't want peace for real. You want anarchy, because peace is not in you. You want, like a little lemming, to follow the instructions of doom. You want people to lose for you to have your moment. Your parents layed down to have this.

You may want to see the United States in terror, but it's not so. The people who really need to learn are not the kids. The kids will learn when the adults learn. When the spiritually mature step up, the kids will follow.

Don't take the new way. The new way is no way at all. The new way is way out. The new way is like having a cheeseburger in cereal milk. You don't want to do that, even if you could.

The right way is prayer and powering up. Get yourself to prayer and then power up. Get the proverbs each day. Get the pushups, the situps, the squats, the punches. 1000 punches a day, 100 situps a day. 100 pushups a dat. 100 squats a day.

This is true progress. Log each time you get on there. Take a video, put a video up. Log the progress. Leave no stone unturned in your progress. Do your best to succeed here.

Within yourself, strive harder to achieve the goal. Nominality in goal means, a little better each time. Get the little better each time. I'll stay on alert for the coming days. This is how it's supposed to go.

Sky, flail, every 5 minutes. Mind love Brenda, every 1 minute. Love Brenda, love her and always. Even in space, the love is there. The people wish to evade the intergalactic love! I told her, I'm telling you. It's real. I really love her.

Love is going to keep us alive. What good is progress without love? For love is the origination of progress.

When you hold your wife tight tonight, be sure to embrace her for the power she has to teach all the little girls under her. You power the little boys. Lord.