I saw the rebuttel and all the issues about George Floyd to be something like a protest. A life protest. I think people are fighting against growing up. If this is what I get. For growing up. To be killed or punished. And it shows.

We need to make growing up fun. Put fun in the day 26 days in a row. Put fun in the pleasure of life. When you wake up, it's time have fun. Work is fun. School is fun. Life is fun.

When you love someone, love is fun. People are fun. Some people are busters. Some people don't want you to have fun. Some people may not know what fun is. Some people don't care enough to have fun. Let none of those people be you.

Now, the people are imaginary. I don't really know any of these people. I used to sit under a tree in a park, because I loved someone but they didn't love me back how I wanted or needed. I didn't know how to love yet, so I blamed them, and even ran off from the house. I didn't want to stifle them, or bother them. I wanted her to be alive, free to be who she was, and have fun.

When I was there, I was a burden. I loved her, but I was a burden. I didn't teach her the love I had because I was too busy growing up. It's still no excuse. I didn't want people to tell me no, so I stayed low.

When you are capable of 10, ask for 20. When you are capable of 10, ask for 5. 20 is good, 5 is good. Both are like little messengers for the good of all mankind. When you give yourself a purpose to do well in, you give yourself a structure to make well with.

Having fun int he structure of life means your goals have input. Each one effects the next. Yet, having fun only means you have a way with living that defines your expectations of life. The living you do determines the outcome of your future expectations.

I saw a kid being tested by an adult. What I did not see was fun. Is it fun to be out here? Is it fun to riot? Those riots kept going because people were having fun - and also showing they were afraid to grow up.

When you have something to live for, you don't have time to be tearing sh*t up. You have something to live for. The trivialities of life are simply ornaments to an already stellar life. You are living good, striving to do better, and you have fun. There's no better way. With The Lord, there is no other way.

Teach these kids to have joy in discipline. Learning is fun. For real. Learning is really fun. You may learn something to change your whole life. Each time you learn, you get motivated to do better. You are motivated with each learning.

When you are bored, you are not learning for 5 minutes. Each breath is a new lesson. Have you seen this breath before? Have you been to this minute yet? No. Nope. Only once have you been, and only once shall you get.

Have fun learning, so you have something to live for. 1 +8 = 9.
