I don't mind so much Latinos. I used to. Now, I have changed. Everybody got to win now. Everyone must win.

I remember when Michelle and I went to a house somewhere far from downtown LA, but close by. We went to visit an old woman. There, she showed me that she had sense enough to honor her elders. I don't know what she looks like now or has been through, but talking...I'll leave it there. 

Brenda I haven't seen but want to see. What do we call this, lunacy? I mean, the woman told me to move on. So why haven't I?

I love her like the stars, like the song says. She is my one, to me. She made me feel like a man, but challenged me to be better than what I thought of myself. That's why it was a challenge. She saw things in me I didn't see in myself. 

That's why it broke apart. Because she saw what I needed to do, and I didn't trust her. She didn't want me around anymore, and I tarried. I tried, like a pest, to stay around, to be near her, to just see her. Settling for less. For a woman who was not interested in me...I'll leave it there. 

I'm lonely, and broke. Those two go together. But how can you be broke with a website? You better use that thing right. I know you got something on the inside of you to make better use of your time. 

Why don't you write jokes on it and then perform the jokes once a week, at 6 pm mondays? That's all you need to do. Be glad you're not eating roaches to get by. Find that story if there is one online. Of people who have to eat bugs. But do they know the Lord? Do they know Lord Jesus? May they know Lord Jesus. I think even doing something wrong for a long time, you'll get something right. 

Thank Goodness for Mr. Gilliland. When I was a child he was my teacher. He helped me, made me right, did the right thing by me. Also Identified me as a leader. I was thankful for him. I didn't want trouble, and didn't get any. I came there to that school. At the last year of the real white way.

I call it the real white way because it was just that. It was real, it was white, and Lord Jesus Was The Center. Now, it's Latino. That can mean a lot of things. One of them may or may not include you. 

IF you are LAtino, you're in. If not, then you need to play along. I can't be doing that. I know some good latinos, but still, they're about latinos. Not blacks. So there it is. 

I'm an inside n*gga now.  I work online, and work all the day long. I toil for pennies, but pennies add up. A few days into the week, and I have a balance. Maybe 10, 2- or 30 dollars. With discipline, I can reach 600. $600 dollars form one place, working all week long. Is there some magic way? Yes. Prayer, then work. 

I started to pray before working. Now, I pray before I work. I must pray before everything I do. When I get up, when I go to bed, before I shower, after I shower, and before I eat, and after I eat. Before I exercise, after I exercise. Before I nap, and after I nap. All the day long. Pray and work, pray and work. Pray and work. You'll see. You'll see how I can make it work for me. I pray and work. 

I love Brenda, and a lot of that love is the longing for the 80's. I love when I was born, and wish to have a wife who loves the 80's too. She must love her era. I wish I could just have a kid and be married and live in Lynwood. I can do it. I have to try. Each day, I will try to achieve this accomplishment. 

Putting the key in my door, in my home in Lynwood. I am flanked by G-ass neighbors and we hold it down for a good 40-50 years. Raising these kids, and keeping it down. Now, if I can get the balance between Black and Latino, Triangle and square pyramids, then we can get somewhere else on the earth. Don't worry about spreading the land. Get inside your head first. If the nullers get you, they put you on network. Before you know it, you're in a different mindset. On my network, it's Lord Jesus Christ, and whatever he says. I'm Black enough to be around Latinos. That's a statement there. 

You have to be real to be me. Be real is what Willie taught me. He's in Heaven now. I hope. I wish I hadda been a better kid. I wish I believed in myself now. I wish I could be good at believing in myself. To make my dreams come true. Also to help others do the same. 

It's not a hard world when you love. Brenda, I love. I want to help her through everything. Whatever good and bad, I am there. Those Lynwood mornings. Those days. I remember the video shop. 

When are you going back to clean up your act? Are you just going to sit there, and clean up the sky? Can you clean your own sky? Inside? is that clean? No, it's not clean. No. It's dirty. Your inside is dirty - 

Shut up! Enough of this. You have the formula, use it. Where are my 25 shekels? I need them now. 

I have 5 sir. 

Is that right. 5. Well get 6. 



I didn't tell you to laugh! I am doing the talking. Who is this on the screen? This latina. She looks like breakfast. 

I love Mayra. How can this be, I don't know her. 

I just want to show love, that's all. 

I love Brenda. I do. 

You do? Well who is Mayra? 

Some woman I met giving plasma. 

That's how we met. Is what I thought. 

You met her there? What is all this? 

All what? 

Nana said Black only. That's what she said. B.O. 



I know you like it, but wait until Nana. 

Wait until then and see. 


I will choose - 

No. You will not choose. You will be given. 

Given? Given what? My wife? That's all I want. 

Love her 4 times. Quit stalking out. You rice cooking. 

Make the rice, then come on back. Ok? 

Come back here, after rice. 

Every n*** got a lesson. 


Don't say nothing. Don't say a word. Where's the money? Are you earning some money now? 

No. I am writing. 

Well then get started.