I wouldn't even trick Satan. I don't want to be tricked, and I can't blame him for anything. If we are bound to make mistakes, imperfect unlike Lord JEsus Christ, then we will sin again, but not willingly, and not with courage. Don't courageously sin. Don't jump out there and say here goes nothing, to sin. When you do fight back, the sin will diminish, and flee from you. The wages of sin is death. There is no substitute for that. No bargain with sin. Oh, a little licking, sucking, eating. Slowly, you are consumed by the flesh, and will become less woman, and more something else. Will you be forgiven, yes, of course. However, is it so that the dope fiend will return again to the home left, to find love renewed, only to leave again for the dope, and not be reckoned with?