Why I like sucking titties? I am interested in them. It's some coordinate. Tightmoma will get. I need 1.3 million. Allocate the funds.
8:38 AM 1/27/2021: Thank You. 1.3: Expense. Good enough.
8:38 AM 1/27/2021: Thank You.
8:38 AM 1/27/2021: Prepare.
8:39 AM 1/27/2021: Thank You.
8:39 AM 1/27/2021: Exponential intelligence.
8:39 AM 1/27/2021: Mere intelligence? Not love, honour - brave -
8:42 AM 1/27/2021:"Minimum of 10 million by October 6th, 2021."
8:57 AM 1/27/2021:Ok.
8:49 AM 1/27/2021: It's not wrong, but it's stupid.
8:50 AM 1/27/2021: My planet is Earth.
8:50 AM 1/27/2021: Julius, Vickie's son, marries.
8:54 AM 1/27/2021: 10:22.
8:42 AM 1/27/2021: Every 2 seconds.
8:39 AM 1/27/2021: No. There is no better indicator than interest. A woman has to writhe. Sucking her breasts causes her to write. Writhing makes her p**** warm. Pussies hot is what you want when dealing with women. Enter only one vagina, though. The rest of the women will respond. No one gets your body but your husband. You could be on rides with Dot, then catch up to LTC. Sat there caught. I start recording the things I am doing. Eager bank. Piece together to get your 1.3. You will have your finances in order. "Get paid." "It's not money." I would love to tell the story. I had no other way. Everybody was trying to stop me. Block me. Make it hard, for me. It seemed like I didn't have no friend. But Jesus. The Protector. The Life. The light gift of life. I may have might have missed the appointment. But not Lord Jesus. I did not miss the appointment. I was not late. I did not have to make up, retake the exam.

A pitiful reminder, to do your homework. Not paying attention all semester long, I took the exam on my own, in an office desk, not knowing the answer to any of it. I was a failing flunk at that time of day, those seconds, hour only. Not eternally, not forever a failure, just 60 minutes of bad behaviour, decisions.

Do your homework.

You have a chance now, do your homework. I had no other way to excel, to eat, to live, to sleep.

I slept on a floor in a kind Church. I ate what I could, what my mother gave me. I tried to eat good, eat fried fish, and this, but I had no house of my own. At 14 dollars a pop with the fish, I filled my stomach a couple of times, and had nothing else to show for it. I did not appreciate financially from eating fish.

I had no other way. The markets were the only way out. I had a few little paypal survey apps that keep me afloat for the time being. I am stacking coins.

The breakthrough day.

The breakthrough day comes when I open up Cointiply, a little pauper's take of virtual coin lending. The digital equivilant of giving out tracts from The Bible. It's good, but you really have to get a lot to make it worth something. I didn't have any other way. I discovered you could mine out 50,000 coins on there, and (that's all)you get 230 dollars. You mine out to your wallet, and convert the mining purse to either USDT or straight dollar. Then you have actual money.

In the weeks of playing around, I had made 4000 coins. That's sad. Even a cat knows that.

I continued to do all the little baby things on there you get each day, to the tune of the needed amount, which is 50,000. I am not shy in saying that the people pressured me into this position, because I refused to take school seriously and do my homework, listen to my teachers, and make connections.

This is the main benefit of school. Not getting some booty, or eating food, but having good connections with people you meet. Then, you study and show them what you learn, and you may end up wealthy in other ways.

I don't blame the neighbor, or the friends, or anything like that. I think that the people I know about the most are really those who want to use my life to prove a point for them.

The neighbors don't seem to like me, but then again, I don't think it's that. I think they see someone who should be a pushover, someone who doesn't deserve respect or admiration. They see the television, explaining to them how success looks, when no one around them looks like that. So what is the TV saying? The TV is saying you are not successful, but we are.

The, no, the TV is not trying to defeat you. The TV is teaching you to defeat yourself. Go online and watch TV for a glimmer, merely a glimmer glance, of hope from others.

Layer 1 What you have to realize is, the markets can make you a fortune, but will not fill holes that don't exist.

Get paid.

Dad, my father says to "Get paid." What does that mean? Does get paid mean earn money? Does get paid mean earn lots of money? Does get paid mean earn money and have benefits. My father is a good man. He does the best he can. Since I'd like to be something like my father, and am also much like him, I see that I have to work hard each day. Working hard means breaking a sweat.

Breaking a sweat at what you're doing means you're working hard. When the people don't like you, or you seem to think so, it is because you have a loogie in your brain.

As I dreampt, it was a snotpile in my head, some young Black woman who liked me, and a Bible. Wow. The Lord was in my dream. It was as if someone was trying to break into my head, and could not get it all because of The Word. The Bible Is Real. Please believe that one.

Obviously, I have adversity, which I defeat very easily, simply with The Lord. The prayer, the purpose and the action driven is what drives you to win. If winning is important to you, then so is health. Wealth follows health, so the first rule to breaking a sweat is to exercise your body according to your needs.

Your condition suggests you will not be able to run the block. You run the block around here, you may get pulled over, or worse. The people might think you are stealing.

You're not going to steal, but running and not being older is not the best, or safest thing to do right now, because of corona. I do apologize for this being a dealbreaker for work chains, but corona is deal break for me.

The McClendon Market

My family made me believe I could really be a comic, but I'd have to work at Walmart until I made it. It was like, you have dreams, but put them on hold.

Why? I don't have any children yet. I was seeking validation from people who were trained to deal with life as a reflex instead of setting a pave to construct their life out how they need it to be right.

The markets will help you to construct your life out right because you have to have a hole to put the money in. Imagine the sand of a beach where you have a big plot to put on that is yours.

You have a digger, have dug up many coins for yourself, and have a place for them to go. When you come back, you will collect the coins you dug up and do what with them? Are you going to sell them for cash? Then what?

What are you going to do with all those coins? Are you going to have them, HODL, or cash them and eat good, buy a house, a car, a spouse, and a fantasy (room)? Get all those things with money, but what do they look, feel, taste and smell like, sound like?

Until and when you define your construction, what your life is ideally like for you, and only you, not a cookiecutter blueprint of what someone else told you how it is supposed to be...That's how they got me all those years. They were not trying to "get me", only to give me advice on how to do it right. I didn't want to listen, it's not the People's fault. All the people, not simply the ones near by me, who seem to sabotage me every day every which way.

I went to the store to buy CDs. The lady took the item out, tried to start a conversation, wanted the upper hand, to talk over me, and be rude, then wanted me to wait in line again. Not in my country, not in my city.

I'm not going battle for respect in where I was born at.

The people might try you, though. They don't seem to care. The ones who do, doesn't The Lord Bless you? The ones who don't, why don't you care? You're only getting older. When you finish, you leave. There is no turning back on life, in life.

Trying to trip people up is a shame. My house will be big enough to have a nice bed. I want to sleep right each night, for all the nights I slept on the floor.

One day you get tired.


I got tired of sleeping on the floor. I was grateful, don't get me wrong. I appreciate sleeping anywhere indoors. I even slept on linoleum before. I could have gotten sick, but I figured, I could be out on the street.

I decided to take a chance on myself. If I was a failure, doomed to die anyway, I might as well do the right thing, not live it up, but live it right.

Dot to LTC, LTC to BTC a little bit, catch LTC with Dot. Doge to Dot, Dot is moving. Last time, 16 almost. I perhaps hope it'll get to 20, so I can sell one at 20.


Buy 5 Dot and Arbit around to see who'll buy high. Sell two Dot and buy low again. Keep up the stair. Stair until 1 LTC, then get on board. Then focus on DOGe and USD, then convert DOGE to Dollar. Once you hit 100k, 100,000, move out and put a down payment on a house to rent. Buy into BTC, get 4. I buy 4 BTC by December 5th, 2021, goal. I earn 400,000 in one year by October 5th, 2021, goal.

Keep wishing. The hope is still there. IF you have snot spit in your head, there's no telling what other trash you have laying around in there. Keep giving fruit out, bananas, tomatoes, give out pure things, holy fruits, give out the pureness, the holiness. Gosh I wish I had of been nicer to Brenda! I wish I had of treated her right at the dinner table at the Buffet, at the farmers market, anywhere I saw her. Anywhere. Was she with the man then? Possible, but now who cares? As long as she is ok, I am ok. I wish I knew what more to do. Until next time, peace out to the max right now. Your name is not Max unless it is. Maximillion is the name of the real Max, don't play with people's name to get ahead, quit threatening me or even acting like you're going to do anything to me at all. I don't know who told you to behave like that, but one day you will see that I am nothing to play with. You played me for a chump now you finna see a champ.

I love Brenda anyways. always, Then, I cash out to a wallet, and seek to convert immediately to USD.

Thank you Ranch Market.

What are you going to do with the first $5000 you earn now from the market?

What is 5000 dollars? Is 5000 dollars 1000 dollars 5 times? Is 5000 dollars 500 dollars 10 times? Is 5000 250 dollars 20 times? Is 5000 dollars 125 dollars 40 times?

The reason I ask is because you may think $5000 is a lot of money. It is a lot of money to eat out with. $5000 however is not a lot of money if you're buying a house, unless you come up with the Bank forclose. Then it might be pennies enough.

When I discovered people were against me, I shrugged it off as a useful prank. Perhaps this will make me a man. Suddenly I realize it's not about me. It's about The Lord Jesus Christ.

Who else can simultaneouslyHeal the sick, Raise The Dead, commit life Healing miracles, Restore lives, but The Lord Jesus Christ?

$5000 dollars is a lot of money, but not for a whole year. Can you live off of $5000 for a whole year? If you're eating beans and rice, one piece of chicken a week and one can of pinapple juice. Then, you still need $4000 more dollars to really be alright.

Clowning, scrape, you need at least $10,000 a year to live. That's 28 dollars a day.

So this means if you are not making at least 28 dollars a day, you need to set that goal of $30 dollars minimum a day online.

It is possible for you

You might have been taught to believe that (each night, alright? Each night, a new gif to enjoy. Make no excuse, even make several in your "free time".) resurgation is rare. However, restoration is common to faithful servants. The question is, who do you serve, mammon or The Lord?

By serving The Lord, you make a the world your footstool. I promise you to try Him. However, let me explain how, so you see the $5000 for what the money actually is, a stepstool for your goal achievement.

When you ask The Lord, ask yourself first. When you ask The Lord, you asked yourself what can you do. What can I do now? The Lord Is Ever Present, but how can I help him? If you focus on you, then how can you serve The Lord? Who are you then serving? If you Serve The Lord, why worry about money? When you are feeling less than 110%, then who is going to bring you up? The Lord Exceeds All percent. Every percentage is not even a mention, like a Gridseed 11.25ghs mining Bitcoin today. IT would take you over a billion years to get one bitcoin with that.

You don't have to worry about $5000, or any amount when you serve The Lord. How can I do this, in a world where you need things, food, clothing, shelter and yes money?

Feed the preacher first.

When you have preacher, someone who knows The Lord very well, then you need to help them out with prayer. Help the preacher with prayer. Pray to be able to help the preacher, and money will come. Pray to be able to actually help the person in the capacity they need, without destroying you. Consider your life on loan. You are borrowed, bought with a price, far above $5000.

It is foolish to antagonize men, and each day you pray for your PAstor and all Pastors, the doors of Heaven may swing ajar. Not open, as the Pastor is helpful here, but cracked enough to help the Preacher. This person is sensitive enough to the spirit to discern the good message from the slop.

The bad message is unsettled, undisciplined activity that may lead to $5000, but nothing else. When you get and spend the money, you'll end up needing more sooner than later, and you may spend frivilously. However, money spent from the root of praying for the Pastor, and preacher, has a holiness to the money, allowing you to spend it without wasting any of it. Even splurging will not destroy your finances at all. You will be able to enjoy the money and be responsible too. Pray first, then earn.

Each $5000 is a cluster of a bigger chunk puzzle. Consider it legos. The first $5000, what are you spending it on?

  • Car payments, $1000.
  • Clothes, new wardrobe $300.
  • Shoes, socks and drawls. ($150)
  • Invest in the market at least $1000
  • Give The Church $500, (soft bad is good, since it's not bad but it sounds mean.)
  • $2950 remaining. High level cloud mining

    Now you have a piece of the year. Please Spend wisely love.