For all seasons. You love them, they love...Marely. I don't know her, it's all games. Brenda started my love. She was first. It's not her age. It's that she doesn't reach down and love me like I need. It's not her fault. I don't interest her enough. She's not excited about me. Now, seeing the world, maybe a flinch. Not much more. No oommph. Now Marely? Kaboom. I'd like it to work out. Yet, the man responsible for all this, where is he? I knew of him, it'd be a shame to desert the tradition. Confront all obstacles, yet not as such. Be quiet about your steps. When they are made, a scroll will produce itself. Speak of things you have done, and not what you have yet to do. Write, or create some way to start creating that reality. Your words will have gold on them for speaking with your mouth of what has been done already by your hands. My wife.