You don't know time that well. Time doesn't sit still. There are no balconies in time. It all lasts a second. Then, another one gracefully comes. How grateful I am for time! The minutes add up, and then they leave. The hour has passed. Will I See her again? Or am I organized to confusion, as to what can be done, about love? What is to be done about unrequited love? I love her, and I have to work very hard to see the signs of the possibility she loves me back. IS this so for me, the one who tried to win but got tackled by his mother's ailment and his uncle's disregard? I still have to live, and with them right now. Can this change, who I am, and who she is, my wife? How do I obtain her, from this weak position? Perhaps it is that I consider myself weak. Perhaps this position weak. Is what I consider. I need to be clean, and roaches don't run on a clean desk.