I could come out with an album, but he's dead now. He's alive in another way. The scar is still there on the people. If we want to, we'll kill you. Some people don't see the inhumanity in that, because it echos in them. You know you don't care about other people. You know you never helped nobody else. You know you don't even like people in your neighborhood. I'm just a squatter to some people. Look at this nigga. He's here not even paying nothing. He's just taking out the garbage.

And that's the image. Another man killed because this cop went on autopilot with the training. It's a wick to start a riot. A fire. Tear up everything you have. Tear up your livelihood, your job. Tear up your life. Tear it. No. Don't tear up your life. Don't tear up your livelihood. You don't need to do that. You need to come together right.

It's hard, I'm not gonna lie. People want things a certain way. In every house, people want things done a certain way. I want you to eat a certain way. You want me to breathe a certain way.

If I fart wrong, which is in front of you, I'm going to prison. I'm going to be ostracized, and put down. I'm going to be sick. I'm going to put in a role.

My poor Moma. She's so negative. I told her I had a dream. Told me the dream was strange. Told me it was weird. Didn't say interesting, or nothing. I expected a good response, but I got a put down. This is tame. It turns out all these years, my mother has had something against me. I didn't know. I thought I was tripping! She's against me! Yet, she is my mother. So it's tucked in.

I learn, because of George Floyd, that she doesn't even know she's doing that. She's just doing following orders. Something inside of her is telling her to come against her son. Something is telling her to be against her child. Compete with him, try to beat him. He's not nothing, defeat him. Yet, ask him for help. Ask him to come over and assist you. Ask him to be there for you. Still, you don't like him.

When I was younger, I bounced a basketball into a neighbor's house. The ball shattered the window and Willie ended up paying for it. I got a whopping, but all was well after that. I even talked to the man before in life. I wish I hadda kept the recording, man.

Annoy, he said. Annoy these people. Annoy them to get ahead. Knock on doors until you get where you want to go. Where you need to go. Annoy them. Don't let the moment pass and you didn't do your best. This man, Gary. I thank him now. However, he was against smoking weed.

Weed has brought me so low. I still love it though. I want to keep smoking weed all my life. However, is it good for me? Was George Floyd smoking weed?

The store owner who called the police, he didn't have to call them. He called like he was the victim. What a loser. For 10 dollars, you got somebody killed.

The reason I call him a loser is, because he could have ran after Mr. Floyd. He could have ran after this man and got the money. He could have ran after him and said, "Hey! Gimme my money!"

If Mr. Floyd hadda ran, then he knew he was guilty. However, he was sitting in his car. So I don't know.

Love lasts 5 minutes. One. Give 100 an hour. Give Love.

I need to know why the all at once trouble in this country for. What have we done? Who is putting us to the test? We are acting like this is a script. It is . Notice this is a script. I see the problems happening each place and I see the response. I see the media drumming up this and that. I see the media making it like it's all good and then like it's all bad. I see the tides of people wanting life to be good and imagine it is not bad. I see the sun shining.

I see how it's all working out for the better. Yet, I see how people like it to be chaotic. I see how people might be setting up for my death. I hope not to die. Also for the people setting me up to die,. may they burn for a very long time.

I don't think if you want peace you start war. You make peace all places. Stop looking for a reason to trip, if you want peace in your house. You want to go to sleep with ice cream, but you want riots in the streets.

George Floyd is an example of honor lost. Why this man is dead is because of two fag cops. Cops are not fags, but those two are. They stood around and watched someone die. Murdered a man in the street. For nothing at all. The man didn't harm them. It's a score to settle for the jails. That's all. It's a prison score. Why is prison score allowed? What do these punks have badges for? The one who killed him deserves to be shot in the back. The one who watched deserves a bat to the chest. However, since I haven't had these things happen, I won't ask they happen to them. I ask for prayer to remove the souls from these bodies, the souls do not appreciate having life. They need to go somewhere else to learn how to appreciate life first.

See how it feels to be helpless, I say. Make them pay and see how it feels to be helpless. To feel like that. Someone needs to put their foot on his neck. Someone needs to do that now, do that and have the video playing in the background. Killing him will not solve anything. Punishing him will Punish him to the point of sorrow. Punish him to where he is remorseful. Punish him to tears. Let him cry for mercy. Let him feel the evil he poured out onto the streets. The instinct of an animal to eat fear and chase down the prey. That's what I saw here. I saw a war crime. I saw a man at war with Black people. I saw another asian officer stand there with the same hate. Asians, everyone that's not immediately black, hate Black people.

They steal in and go far to find a wall. They resent us for having a wall up. They resent us for having the protection from The Lord. They want what we have. However, like pearls before swine, it's not mattering if they get it.

You could know all the treasures within from stealing. You will still never realize what you have, or be happy with it. You will not be able to enjoy what you stole. You could laugh and pretend to enjoy yourself. Yet you are a thief. You won't even realize what you've got.

After a while, you'll resent us even more. Why do you get to be happy with this, and I can't? I have what you have. Yet I'm not happy. This is going on today.

So the asian cop sat there and watched the Black man die. He felt disconnected. He felt removed. He felt resentment. For all the people who said I'm not black. For all the times I was nervous around black people. Revenge, that's what he felt. Revenge toward Brothers.

This revenge, spiteful mentality stops now. If you see, feel or hear it, pray against it, tell The Lord instantly. Let The Lord Recompense. Eventually, the bad behaviour will crumble, not the buildings. We don't need to d. rr "estroy the earth. We need to reform our minds.