I'm in love again. With the same woman. It's a dream again. A fantasy. Yet still, I love her. Can't get enough of her. I wish I knew her. Knew her name. Her face, her body. I wish I knoew the tezture. 

This internet earning scheme is not working out as planned. I said 100 dollars a day, and find that there's a built in limit to surveys. There must be a way to mine more money online. 

I will find the way. I find the way now. Active income, passive income. 

Passive income - when you are snoring. 

Active income - when you are awake and at them. 

Now, let me ask you, do you like pushing buttons all day long? Like boop boop all day. Boop. Day in and out. Boop. No time for fake n****s. Just boop. So I say, there has to be a better way. Now there is. 

Introducing the internet passive income handbook almost, by 

Julius McClendon. 

I know nothing. 

I have to say it like this. You smell. You stink. You stink of roses. You are a good king, webmaster. You have the internet on lock. This tiny fragment of it. Can you gobble fragments? Can you get the attention of the others and share with them? Why would they come here? What would they see, on Tightdad.com. While you are figuring out your life, you'll do an old and new. Update. 

The reason I am scrambled is simple - you haven't a clue about golas. Ontario or not, you need goal. You need goals. I know you need more than you had before. But all the tools for success are provided for you here. 

When you are reasdy, the teacher will appear. 

Read "you can win" Each night. Read this, and keep abreast of what you need to be doing each day. I know half the day is work, but the other half is planning, goal setting. There is deflecting, and chaos atoning. But the most part is being reasonable with yourself. More breaks is not the kep. Better use of the time is the key.  If you have 5 minutes, and you spend 3 saying "Man, I only got 5 minutes", then you have wasted your thrust. You can get it back in another 5 minutes. 

Now, this five minutes, don't waste it. Don't take yourself for granted. I do this all the time. I wake up at 4. I get up, smoke, eact a biscuit, and make 3 beats. Some days, the beats sound good. Other days, the beats sound bad, like I should have done something else at that time. Now I know some of the hitting days, the beats sound good enough to rap over. I know not when these days will come. So I have to make beats every day!

I am telling you the point of diligence. Don't mistake repeating for banter. To keep doing the same thing is not retarded. It's called practice. 

You want to also get away from the people who want you to do it their way. Like they know the way. Let me tell you this - they don't know the way. Lord Jesus Knows The Way. You know your way. So when you get around people who know the way, get out of the way. Because they're comeing way out. But that's ok. That's their way. You have a way, you follow your way you know. Commit to your way. I'm reaching into online, give me an hour. I'll get there. Still Little Bangeen to do, still two more pages. Let's go far down the hole on this one.

When you work online, you are commiting to excellence. Excellence is diligent, ok? Excellence is not a 1 2 o  3. Excellence is 10 at a time. 15 at a time. Then break for a few minutes. During the break, draw, do something constructive, but different. Get your mind ou of the zone you were in. 

So if it's like megaman, which it is, then you have zones, levels, or mans. The Survey Man. Beat man, Write Man, Draw Man, Learn Man, and Mr. Julius, The boss. Each of these bosses get stronger each level, which is the day, Each day is a level. You got to the next level, like in NY right now. They said they are seeing death every day. 

This lady gave me some beans, and now she wants my soul in return. Not getting it. You get an air kiss. Not my wife. 

ISurvey man is like 15 surveys at a time, hit or miss. Start there. The goal each day is 128. Start there. Then graduate to 300 or more. In 18 hours, you can hit 300. Take your time, don't give too much russh. And don't lounge while you work. Allocate time for each. You want to chill, wait until after the 15. It's getting there, your money, but the money is slow because you don't take risks. You sdon't want to becauae you feel defeated after not getting a point. Well, it's like car. You drive, you may not hit a tree every time, and that's good. Maybe you weren't meant to get that point, you know? Maybe you were just supposed to hit another one. You have to keep going. Like time, this job is. Like time, ongoing. Like the waves. Ongoing. My, theives are so loathsome. 

You are not a thief if you give to the Lord all you have. Give Him your life now. Give it to Him. He knows how to use it, not you,  You're learning, He's Already Learned. He's Teaching you. 

There it is. You know nothing about your bloodlet handles. How far you can go. Just think, in 24 hours, 100 more dollars can be in your stead. You can buy groceries. I heard about the money, and it seems everyone else is getting it but me. I know not a thing, except I have a tax reutrn due me. Did I file it right? I hope so. I hope I did not screw it up. I need that money. 

But this $1200 also comes to me. I get the $1200 dollars from the Government. I also get the $810 from my taxes. I get the money soon, quick, and on time. I thank Lord God for the money. Lord, Thank You. 

I seek the approval of Trump supporting Lord Jesus Christ myGod. 

I stop fighting myself and work with moyself. 

I start making friends of enemies. 

I make peache with my rival. 

I make up with Brenda. 

I marry Brenda. 

I have a child by Brenda. 

Mind love Brenda.

Mind love Moma.

Mind love Daddy.

I dream. 

I have a givft, called lying. You should try it and throw it in the trash later. 

There's a seismologist. He's predicting your future. What is The Lord Going to do to us? I don't know. I know $600 dollars a week will be going into my pocket though. 

When you get past the stigma of stickers, hanging fruitin your mind, spoiled off the vine, then you realize you aren't alone in this. Matter of fact, you made this for tohers to ENJOY. That's right. You designed this experience to humble yourself. 

That's right. You like to help Abraham, well here's a good way to do it - pray. Pray for 






All else




Uncle Deanie

Aunt Pat




Each soul

Every soul

All insects


and rain. Pray for rain

Pray I get the 6  dutches I need for next week. 

Pray I cleanr in ther ena dpullout 50 dollars and buy the little thinkgs I need. 

I am not an idiot. Or a boy. I am a genius smart man. 

I know nothing. 

I forgive the foolish jealousy of my brother. The truth is, they womn't miss what thewy don't know. What is there to miss if you knoweth not. 

I atone self sabotage. 

Mind destroy my rival.