When was the last time

You rode by yourself.
Had the powers combined
Didn't need no help
But now you need help
To accumulate wealth
I speak To The Lord
and keep it all to myself
Is still the best
Keep problems at Bay
Solve all of the mess
Lord Jesus Christ
give me impact
Let me know how you're doing
give me feedback.
Living piddle to post
Why you playing a game
I need to stop all this judging
Love still can remain.
In the greatest of comfort
I can realize the frame
Mind love my mother
She endured some pain.
Can she get a companion?
Lord Please Answer my prayer.
May she not die alone.
Let her enjoy love and savour.
So she can praise her Saviour.
And make a sweet savour.
Food you can enjoy
As they bless on the table.
Living good -