I dreampt of Brenda in fire dancing. I was so afraid I wanted from then to do everything I can. To protect her. To love her. To even guide her.

How could I guide an adult? How can I guide a mother? Who has 4 children?

The Lord guides. I sat and listened. She told me about her man. "My man" she said. My stomach felt nauseated beyond anything I'd ever had. This must be what morning sickness is about, I thought. Wow, what women have to go through.

[ ] How many know all the ways to destroy a man, and none of the ways to heal him?

[ ] As a man. [ ] But not as much

[ ] The mouse has some sense

[ ] The mouse is sleep

[ ] For the rat

[ ] O see the trap

[ ] Xan this be it?

The liitle mouse came by me and was like "all that pork" and ran off. Rhe mouse helps keep the heaven in the house. Too many mice is not heaven!

How to help thin out the mice? Prayer. Still what's more, how can I provide being sleep all the time?

Now is the perfect time to cook.

I am not mad with the people. I am in love. The small shrivel of love I have left...is all hers. She earned it. She can have it. The people are a trip. Y'all some rude mutha... I said to my self. Pero that's not all. The people are also delightful too. I am also. Life becomes more fundamental over time. Nade Level 3 completed. Level 5 completed. Lord, I want to big titties in my mouth. to hold.