Lord...The high score is 1:13. I cannot believe how hard it is toreach that again! It was like God gave me that to strive for. That's really hard to attain! However, I attained greatness. The routine is: 12 pushups 25 situps 10 squats 100 punches. I'll add kicks some time. That's the routine as it it is. No name yet, just 4 steps for now. I'll call it that then. The four steps. The pushups are 12 for the twelve tribes of Israel now. The 25 situps is for...25 situps. 10 squats is for endurance. 100 punches is for spirit. With constant affirmation, I can program success into my consciousness. The goal is to create immeasurable value. I then can extract a puny $1 million from it. What is immeasurable? The lessons of faith. The Bible is Immeasurable. Let me teach you a lesson now. In 1st Kings 3:37, a man is told to stay put. He is given a boundary. There is a reason, but he is told if he crosses the line, he will die. This is clear. A clear instruction. A clear boundary. Don't cross the line, or die. I think that's pretty clear. So why don't I set a boundary just the same? Why do I allow suffering, regret, loss, foul play, and other outside disrespect to creep into my life? The reason is because I have accepted the notion I am not valuable enough to be considered otherwise. I remember Tangela Ridgeway. I was some kind of something st this time when I met her. She came to my Grandmother's house and everything. She was pretty, Black, and she didn't like me, but saw something holy there. She kept in touch and always paid me well. I'd do something for her and she gave me $40. I'd do something else and she gave me $20. Always paying me well. Well, one day, she asked me to do something really big, that I didn't want to do. I wanted to goof off, be a kid a little longer, and just tend to my own classes. I ended up failing her. Because I didn't want to do it. I let her cross the line, and instead of accepting that she crossed the line and I didn't like it and won't allow it, I allowed her to bilk herself by paying me well to fail. I was at David's house at the time when she called. I said to her foolishly, "Tangela, if this is your real name." And she said "Oh no," and hung up the phone. I was wrong for doing that. But she was also wrong for pushing the line. I take full responsibilty now. I regret having done that. It was a whole semester I squandered. I was wrong for doing that. I really was. May The Lord Have Mercy upon my soul. I did another cousin like that too. I'm telling you these stories of regret. I went to visit a cousin. He lived with his wife at the time, and told me he needed a website. Now, I had no idea how to code a website, or anything. I was basically, no use to anyone then. I am of use to all now, since The Lord. Yet then, I had nothing. I know nothing. I knew nothing then. (Thank You) Shout out to Mr. Banfield. I basically said to him I'd go home and do the site, then I'd come back with the results. He gave me a check for $50. I went to cash the check, and never returned with the website. Another story of regret. I was in 7th grade. Me and Michael were walking home from school. Michael was bigger than me. I thought he was a bully. he was big enough to be one. We went into a liquor and got ice creams. I didn't know if he paid but I don't think he did. I do remember him putting money in the man's hand, but I'm not sure. I don't know if he paid or didn't pay but pretended to or what. Maybe he paid for one, but did not pay for mine. Anyway, the police stopped us at the train crossing. overpass. We would walk through a hole in the gate and continue to walk home. I remember the cop was telling us not to walk up there. He wrote me a warning. This was the first time I ever had an encounter with the Law enforcement. I think he knew I stole. I think I stole too. I think Michael didn't pay, and we were eating stole ice creams. I also think Michael was gay, or molested or something. Another story of regret, I took my gameboy to school. A kid named Robert stole my gameboy. I had a hole in my backpack and didn't know it. I looked everywhere for the gameboy. Robert said "I'm going to steal your gameboy". I was like "no you're not." He did. I don't know how, but it was gone when I went home. I saw the hole then, and looked everywhere. I was doomed. Oscar, my friend, let me buy his gameboy for 30 dollars. To this day, I have HIS gameboy. My gameboy is gone somewhere. I never told my mother. I have one last story or regret before the lesson. I was filming a funeral, here at the Church. I filmed the funeral and took the footage to a friend's house in LA to get it put on DVD. I didn't have the equipment to do that at the time. When I got to the friend's house, something or another happened to where I got distracted. I then was told, by her that she "needed the space" on her DVD player, and was I "sure" I had captured the footage to disk. I wasn't sure, but I said I was. Then, when she deleted it, I never got the chance to do it again because I misplaced the tape. I have no idea where the tape is now. I have have no clue at all. I had to tell the family that I didn't have their footage. I had to tell them I didn't make the DVD. I had to tell them what they paid me for was not done. I have done regretful things. I ask The Lord for Forgiveness for all of OUR trespasses. Were it not for His Mercy, I'd be dead. A man lays in the hospital now, because he tried to kill me. I don't know this is true. I sense this only. Perhaps it is a thought, perhaps it is not. But the idea is, I He went in the hospital twice in the same month. It seemed he was out to get me. Deep down, I think he's actually a good man. I wish him well, and hope he recovers. However,. there must be peace here. There is no confusion, loss or chaos here. Only love, joy, and honor. Do not let regret stop you. I, as you have seen, did horrible acts. Yet The Lord Allows me to live. I think He'll Do the same for you. If you give your all to now, then now you'll get your all. You get all the riches, wealth and knowledge by applying what you have. I use this to illustrate the principles I have learned. There is nothing more sacred than knowledge. Gratitude, appreciation for gratitude, and knowledge to appreciate, gives insight. I'm fluffing out, which means I need to carry a lesson on and see you next time. The girth of thoughts is carried in time. The weight of a thought is based on the amount of time spent meditating on it. For any thought, the like appropriation will visit it. For example, thoughts of breasts will cease the mind for rapture. You will want to acquire them, to hold them, touch them, suck them. To bring children, to keep honor. You wish to treasure the flesh to depth. You want breasts. A thought of money, held, what is this? Hold a thought of one dollar for one minute. What yields this? Record these results. Once you have placed these results in a permanent place, say online, you have access to the effect 24 7. Your mind is now able to enjoy the effects of these results. You give girth to thoughts by thinking of them. Any measure can be acquired. Attainment of the thoughts, and holding them for long periods of time, brings them to the desired measure. Any fear will retract from the girth. So, a thought of fortune will be reduced and eventually transmuted into a fearful thought, or scarity, sorrowfulness, regret, and anxiety. Fear saps, because it is misalignment only. Taking the same matter, the same thinking and applying it to the gratitude of being able to think at all, you appreciate gradually and more healthly think thereafter. It is with much practice and skill with thinking that thoughts retain enjoyable girth. Once girth is established to a regular degree, you may feel in your flesh the results. Your stomach, your chest, your mind will feel better. You will be permitted to taste good chemical feelings, happiness, joy, and happiness. You will see, you experience happiness any time. The basics are to breathe deeply as often as possible. Appreciation for breath is as simple as this story. A master and son were at a body of water, when the master suddenly thrusts the son's head underwater. The son tries to get free, but the master pushes his head down further. The son, thinking he will die, fights as hard as he can. He is released by the master at once then. "Why?" The son. "What did you want when you were drowning son?" The master. "Breath. Air." The son. "So it is with desires." "Find why so hard as you wanted air when drowning." The master. I ganked that story, but the lesson is the same. Wealth is acquired first in the mind! There is no other place to plant the seed of wealth. You have the tools exactly as they are supposed to be. You have nothing more than you need now. Your sure breath will allow you the happiness you desire. Taking breath is not wrong. Taking is not wrong. Taking does not always mean from a source deprived. Taking can mean to acquire naturally, and not steal. Taking and stealing are not the same. I will speak more to you when you are ready to listen. Go on now, boy. You are a man, yet a child. Your knowledge is weak. I will see to it you build good character. Go now. Lord.